Plugins In WordPress

What is PLUGIN?

Plugin in WordPress is a tool which helps the developer to perform different task. For example, for turning screws we use screwdriver as tool or helper. Plugins play same role. If we want to do specific task, we use plugin for that specific task.

It is a software which is written in PHP and then integrated with WordPress. We can download them or import them. It is good practice to use minimum number of plugins in your website.

How Can We Choose Plugin?

The are few Plugin in WordPress which can performs almost all type of tasks, like elementor, WPbakey etc. But sometimes we want specific functionality and we cannot find it in these plugins. So, we search different plugins. For best choice we should keep in mind some points

  • Downloads: It should be greater than 50000. Because sometimes plugins with less downloads are only scams.
  • Ratings: Rating also matters. It shows the qualitative analysis of plugin. This qualitative analysis includes the complexity of its use or effectiveness of its functionality.
  • Description: We should read the description of plugin, it helps us to understand plugin functionality and use.

Some Famous Plugins:

Elementor: It uses as page builder or designing of our website. According to me it is one of the best plugin.

Woocoommerce: It is amazing if your are willing to create e-commerce website

Contact Form 7: Very good and simple plugin for contact form

All-in-One WP Migration: Best plugin for transferring website from on localhost to web-server or from one server to other server.


You should update your plugins in WordPress time to time. Don’t use older versions and if you have website so if you see any update for plugin so go for it and don’t wait, otherwise there might be a security risk for your website.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Danish Ahmad

    How plugins help us in wordpress and why old versions could be harmful?

  2. Zeeshan

    Without plugins you have to code every single task . But with plugins you can create website with just drag and drop. Older versions is harmful because someone can attack on plugin and it will compromise your whole website

  3. zoritoler imol

    Thanks for this post, I am a big big fan of this internet site and would like to proceed updated it.

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